Our Sunday morning service begins at 10.00 a.m. All you need to do is walk in and join us! You take part only if you feel comfortable doing so. We give high importance to the teaching and preaching of the Bible, staking everything on our belief that the Bible is God’s inspired and authoritative Word to the world.
Singing to the Lord is an important part of worship and witness, so this inevitably forms part of the service. The hymns and songs combine both traditional and contemporary.
Every Sunday morning we celebrate “The Lord’s Supper”, or “Communion”. We share bread (gluten free) and grape juice (or communion wine), which remind us of the Body and Blood of Christ Jesus.
If you want to know more about the Bible, check out this website:
SUNDAY 9 March 2025:
10:00am - Worship Service and Communion then David Marshall will give a message from Exodus from God's word, the Bible.
Topic: The Life of Moses
MONDAY 10 March:
7:00pm - Elders' Meeting
TUESDAY 11 March:
10am - Coffee & Craft
6:30am - Men's Prayer Breakfast
THURSDAY 13 March:
7:00pm - Youth Group
FRIDAY 14 March:
9:30am - Preschool Music
10:30am - Ladies' Bible Study
6:30pm - Junior Rally
SATURDAY 15 March:
SUNDAY 16 March:
8:00am 'God's Message' on Radio FM 89.0 or online any time from
10:00 am - Worship Service and Communion. Then a message will be given from God's Word, the Bible.
Topic: The Life of Moses
